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South Carolina Educators
for the
Practical Use of Research
HomeBylaws and Constitution







SCEPUR exists for the purpose of promoting the practical use of research in the field of education.


1. To provide a forum for sharing original research and evaluation findings.

2. To disseminate summaries of research in areas of interest to South Carolina educators.

3. To provide workshops on research, testing and evaluation related topics.

4. To sponsor recognized speakers on research, testing and evaluation topics.


  1. The Board of Directors consists of not fewer than 8 members. Its composition should represent various educational interests. This representation will be accomplished as follows for elected offices.

  1. The President

  2. The President-Elect

  3. The Secretary shall be elected for a two year term on even numbered years.

  4. The Treasurer shall be appointed by the Board of Directors and serve for the term of the President.

  5. The Immediate Past President is a member of the Board of Directors during the year after his/her presidency.

  6. Higher Education Representative is elected by the membership and will serve a two year term on odd-numbered years.

  7. Schools’ Representatives is elected by the membership and will serve a two-year term on even-numbered years.

  8. Information Manager shall be appointed by the Board of Directors and serve for the
    term of the President

B.  The initial Board of Directors will be presented as interim officers to the members at the inaugural annual meeting (February 17, 1989). Members in attendance will be asked to approve. With the exception of the president and appointed officers, the following offices will be filled by a special election, for the terms also designated below, within 90 days of the inaugural meeting:

President-Elect 1 year

Secretary 1 year

Schools Representative 1 year

Higher Education Representative 2 years

Membership Representative 2 years


  1. The President will appoint a Nominating Committee from the regular membership. The committee will be approved by the Board of Directors. The Nominating Committee will prepare a state of at least one and not more than three candidates for each elected position. They will secure acceptance from each of these candidates to be placed in nomination.

  2. The Nominating Committee then submits its report to the Board of Directors who may add or delete names.

  3. The proposed slate will be distributed to all voting members (attendees of the most recent
    conference) who must have at least 14 days to return their ballot. The ballot may be
    distributed 14 days prior to the current year’s conference and voting may occur at or following the
    conference and may be conducted by paper or electronically.


IV. The newly elected members of the Board of Directors will take office on the day following the annual meeting

V. Annual dues are set by the Board of Directors

VI. Roberts Rule of Order will be followed in conducting the general and the Board of Directors meetings

VII. Notice of a general meeting must be mailed to the membership at least one month to the date of the proposed meeting

  1. Regular and student members receive a free copy of each SCEPUR publication, as applicable..

  1. Institutional and corporate members receive up to five copies of publications, as applicable..


  1. A request for use of the electronic mailing list should be directed to the President. Any use of the electronic mailing list must be approved by the Board of Directors. Use of the mailing list will be authorized only when the mailing is consistent with the goals, objectives and/or activities of SCEPUR.




Definition and Name

These Articles shall define and prescribe the fundamental governing principles for the organization to be known as the South Carolina Educators for the Practical Use of Research herein referred to as SCEPUR.

SCEPUR shall be nonprofit in the sense that its members will, not gain monetarily from membership other than through ordinary remuneration for services performed.

II. Purpose

SCEPUR exists for the purpose of promoting the practical use of research in educational settings.

A). The purposes for which the South Carolina Educators for the Practical Use of Research are organized are exclusively religious, charitable, scientific, literary and educational within the meeting of §501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 or the corresponding provision of any future United States Internal Revenue law.

B). Notwithstanding any other provision of these Articles, the organization shall not carryon any other activities not permitted to be carried on by an organization exempt from federal income tax under §501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 or the corresponding sections of any prior or future Internal Revenue Code, or the federal, state or local government for exclusive public purpose.

C). In the event of dissolution, the residual assets of the organization will be turned over to one or more organizations which themselves are exempt as organizations described in §§501 (c) (3) and 170 (c) (2) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 or the corresponding sections of any prior or future Internal Revenue Code, or the federal, state or local government for exclusive public purpose.

III. Membership

A). Membership is open to anyone or any organization that has an interest in the practical use of educational research and that subscribes to the basic tenets of SCEPUR as proclaimed in the Articles.

B). Membership and membership privileges are not in any way limited by race, creed, sex, or religious belief.

C). Four membership classes are recognized, with distinct privileges.

1. Regular memberships can be held by individuals.

2. Institutional memberships can be held by nonprofit organizations.

3. Corporate memberships can be held by organizations with profit motivation.

4. Student memberships for full-time undergraduate/graduate students.

D). All membership classes can be sub-categorized by will of the voting membership, consistent with these Articles.

IV. Membership Privileges

A). All members within a membership class claim identical privileges, except that the dues structure and registration fee schedules may reflect class sub-categorization.

B). Members shall pay dues as established by the Board of Directors and only persons and organizations that have paid dues according to currently established policy shall be considered members at any given time.

C). Regular members, and only regular members, shall have the right to vote in elections of officers, and in all matters placed before the assembly at any general meeting of the membership or through mailed balloting procedures.

D). All meetings held, sanctioned, or sponsored by the organization, or by any committee, sub- group, or task force of the organization, are open to attendance by any member, pursuant to payment of established registration fees and provided such attendance does not subvert the purpose of the meeting, except that total attendance limitations can be imposed by prior announcement when necessary to serve the purpose of the meeting.

E). Other privileges of membership, consistent with these Articles, shall be conferred by:

1.  The voting membership, via changes to the Constitution or Bylaws.

2.  The Board of Directors, consistent with the Bylaws.

V. General Meetings

A. The membership shall be given prior notice of the time and place and general purpose of each general meeting of the membership.

B. For the purpose of conducting business at a general meeting, a quorum shall be defined to consist of at least 20 regular members. No formal action, other than adjournment, can be taken in the absence of a quorum, although once an initial quorum is established adjournment is not mandatory if it is subsequently lost, i.e., discussion may continue.

C. At least one general annual meeting shall be held during each operating year.

D. Other general meetings can be called by order of the Board of Directors, or by order of petition bearing the signatures of regular members in a number in excess of that required for a quorum at the called meeting.

E. Any business that is relevant to the purpose of the organization and that is concordant with existing law and statute and these Articles can be conducted at any general meeting.

F. With the exceptions noted, any and all authority vested in the voting membership through these Articles may be delegated by its will to a designated officer or officers of the organization.   The exceptions are:

1. The election of elected officers.

2. The recall of elected officers.

3. Amendment of this Constitution.

4. Dissolution of the organization other than specified in Article X.

G. SCEPUR will operate on a fiscal/membership year of January 1 to December 31.

VI. Officers

A. Officers may either be elected or appointed according to the will of the voting membership, except as prescribed in these Articles and By-Laws.

B. Election of the officers shall be conducted by mailed ballot to the full voting membership, with outcomes determined by a plurality.

C. A President-elect shall be elected annually to serve for a term of approximately one year corresponding to an established operating calendar, after which the President-elect shall automatically become President.

D. The President shall serve for a term of approximately one year corresponding to an established operating calendar.

E. The Board of Directors shall be formed consisting of the President, President-elect, the Immediate Past President, Treasurer, Secretary, Higher Education Representative, Schools Representative and others as deemed appropriate by the Board of Directors.

1. An equitable geographic balance will be maintained on the Board of Directors, insofar as possible.

2. A balance of members’ interest consistent with the state purpose of Article II shall be maintained.

3. A term of office may not be set which exceeds three years.

4. Board of Directors members shall be considered officers of the organization.

5. The President shall serve as Chairperson of the Board of Directors.

6. A quorum of 50% of Board of Directors must be present to conduct business.

7. All of the following officers shall be elected positions: President, President-elect, Secretary, Schools Representative, and High Education Representative. All other officers shall be appointed by the Board of Directors upon nomination by the President.

F. Elected officers may not be either temporarily or permanently removed from office nor replaced in office except by the procedures specified below:

1. Any elected officer may with just cause be temporarily removed from office and relieved of all duties by action of the Board of Directors provided such action is supported by at least three- fourths of the Board of Directors and provided the officer has served in the office for an uninterrupted period of no less than three months. The effect of the action is to take place immediately.

2. The Board of Directors shall appoint an acting replacement whenever an elected office becomes vacant for any reason.

H. Other officer positions may be established by either the voting membership or the Board of Directors.

VII. Duties and Responsibilities of Officers

A. The President

1. will insure that the work and functions of SCEPUR are conducted in a manner exemplifying adherence to the highest standard of ethics, propriety, and fairness. The President shall see that the organization functions in accordance with this Constitution.

2. or his or her designee will preside over all general meetings and all meetings of the Board of Directors.

3. will make nominations of officers, as required.

4. will be responsible for conducting day-to-day business of the organization, consistent with all policies and regulations of the organization and authority granted by the Board of Directors.

5. or a designee confirmed by the Board of Directors will monitor all official activities of the organization to insure their compatibility with existing policies and regulations.

6. or his or his designee, will serve in an ex-officio capacity on all committees, task forces, and working groups of the organization.

B. The President-elect

1. shall serve as a member of the Board of Directors

2. shall perform the duties of the President in the absence of the President.

3. shall assume the office of the President the following year.

c. The Board of Directors

1. will be responsible for setting the course of action of organization consistent with established policies and regulations.

2. will implement the policies and directives issued by the voting membership, to the best of its ability to do so.

3. will represent the organization during its tenure.

4. will approve the budget of the organization to be submitted by the President.

5. will establish operational policies consistent with existing policies set by the voting membership.

6. will appoint nominees made by the President for the appointment of officers.

7. will recommend policy and policy changes to the voting membership.

8. will approve the formulation of task forces, special committees, and sub-groups of the organization and receive their reports.

9. will review and give prior approval to all proposals to, or contracts with, any outside agency or persons made in the name of the South Carolina Educators for the Practical Use of Research by the organization or any committee, sub-group, or task force of the organization.

10. shall appoint an acting replacement whenever and elected office becomes abnormally vacant for any reason. The appointment shall be made as soon as is reasonably possible after the vacancy occurs.

11. can initiate dissolution of the organization through a declaration of insolvency approved by two-thirds of its members.

12. will appoint a team to audit the financial records annually.

D. The Treasurer will

1. receive all moneys due the organization and deposit them in the organization Treasury.

2. maintain bookkeeping records of all financial transactions of the organization.

3. pay all bills tendered the organization from the Treasury that are authorized by the Board of Directors or the President, provided there are funds for doing so.

4. serve as fiscal officer in managing grants to the organization or contracts entered into by the organization, or its committees, sub-groups, and task forces.

5. prepare a statement of finances as often as required by the Board of Directors and membership.

6. prepare a complete financial report annually, and submit it to the membership.

7. serve as a member of the Board of Directors.

E. The Secretary will

1. maintain minutes of all Board of Directors meetings and general meetings.

2. maintain a copy of all SCEPUR documents, programs, and any other historical data.

3. distribute Board of Directors minutes of Board of Directors members and general meetings minutes to the general membership.

F.         The K-12 Schools Representative will


1. provide input from the perspective of K-12 schools personnel during Board of Directors’ meetings.


2. circulate SCEPUR information (e.g., call for proposals, conference notices) to K-12 contacts.


3. assist with updating lists of K-12 contacts.


G.        The Higher Education Representative will


1. provide input from the perspective of higher education personnel during Board of Directors’ meetings.


2. circulate SCEPUR information (e.g., call for proposals, conference notices) to higher education contacts.


3. assist with updating lists of higher education contacts.    


H.        The Information Manager will


1. develop, support, and facilitate knowledge and information related to past and current SCEPUR conferences. 


2. update the SCEPUR website with the latest conference information.


3. ensure that conference registration is open in a timely manner for upcoming conferences.


4. ensure that resources from prior conferences or of general interest are available on the website.

VIII. Amending the Constitution

A. Once ratified by a majority of voting members, this constitution may not be altered in any way, in whole or part, except through the amendment procedure specified herein.

B. This Constitution may be amended through the following procedure, and only through the

following procedure:

1. The proposed amendment must be approved by the Board of Directors.

2. The proposed amendment must be distributed to all voting members (attendees of the most recent conference).

3. The proposed amendment must receive a two-thirds majority in favor on the ballots cast within six weeks after the distributing to the voting membership. The ballots cast are the ballots received during the six week period. The deadline for casting a ballot must be clearly shown on the ballot. The secretary shall receive all ballots and Board of Directors shall tally the results.

IX. Bylaws

A. This Constitution is to be supplemented by a set of bylaws.

B. The Bylaws must be consistent with the Constitution, in letter and in spirit.

C. The Bylaws may be changed, except as noted in Section V. F herein, by any of the following procedures:

1. Approval by a majority of the ballots cast within six weeks of the mailing of the ballots to the general voting membership. Referral to the membership may be initiated by the Board of Directors or by a successful resolution to refer made at a general meeting.

2. Approval by a simple majority at a general meeting, provided the general membership has been given written notice of the proposed change at least one month prior to the date of the general meeting.

3. Approval of two-thirds majority of voting members present at a general meeting.

X. Dissolution of the Organization

A. The act of dissolution of the Council shall be considered an amendment to this constitution, and can be enacted only by the procedures specified herein for adoption of an amendment, except as prescribed below.

B. A declaration of insolvency, adopted by a two-thirds majority of the Board of Directors, shall constitute dissolution three months thereafter unless challenged and successfully overruled by a majority of the voting membership. Notification of the insolvency statement must be given as prescribed below.

C. Upon dissolution, the financial assets and material assets convertible to financial assets shall be disbursed by a prior designated fiscal agent to a non-profit organization or government organization designated by the Board of Directors.

D. Upon dissolution non-convertible material assets shall be contributed to organizations exempt under section §501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code.